The Arsenal Files 3
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█████ SynchroNet Support
█████ Path: \SYNCHRON
ASKNEW.ZIP [0] Asks users "Which Command Shell?" for each
| logon
BULL!!.ZIP [0] BULL!! Bulletin program for Synchronet
CHATER.ZIP [0] Chatter v2.01 for SBBS asks user reason for s
| * For SynchroNet v2.x * Gives back timeslices
| to DesqView, OS/2, and Windows * Creates log
| file of chat attempts
CTB_120.ZIP [0] Credit Transfer Bank V1.20 for Synchronet
| ========================================= CTB
| will allow your users to transfer credits
| amongst themselves. Users enter CTB and can
| either D)eposit or W)ithdraw money. Features
| of CTB - Users are not allowed to transfer
| credits to themselves. - Can be set-up as a
| logon event to automatically withdraw credits
| for the user
DFAX101.ZIP [0] Domain FAX v1.01 (UNREGISTERED) A multi-user
| capable FAX on demand for Synchronet BBS
| systems. Also allows users to upload files to
| be sent out as FAXes.
DICE150B.ZIP [0] Domain DiceWar v1.50b (UNREGISTERED) A
| multi-player, interactive dice game written
| for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports up to
| 250 players.
DLEVENT.ZIP [0] DLEvent v1.0 for SBBS v2.0x Download event pr
| will comment, add bbs adds, and delete bbs ad
| files. DLEvent will automatically determine
| is a ZIP, ARJ, LHA, or UC2 file and process i
DPOK140C.ZIP [0] Domain Poker v1.40c (UNREGISTERED) A 5 card
| draw, multi-player, interactive poker game
| for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports multiple
| tables/limits and an intelligent computer
| opponent.
DSETUP1.ZIP [0] Synchronet setups for the following doors:
| Legend of the Red Dragon, Usurper, VGA
| Planets Interface, and ZChat..Check it
| out..Maybe it can help you.
DSYS220A.ZIP [0] Domain Shopper/Teller Sysop Program v2.20a
| This is the version of DSYSOP.EXE meant to go
| with v2.20a of Shopper/ InstaTeller, it was
| accidentally left out and the older version
| of the program was shipped instead. If you
| downloaded SHOP220A.ZIP or INST220A.ZIP prior
| to 10/25/94, you should get this file to
| replace your existing DSYSOP.EXE.
DUT200.ZIP [0] Domain Upload Tester v2.00 (UNREGISTERED) A
| file upload tester and virus scanner written
| especially for Synchronet BBS systems.
| Supports several virus scanners and
| compression types, as well as GIF testing and
| multi-level archive testing. Built in com
| routines, and ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for
| users.
EASYADD.ZIP [0] EASY ADDRESS V1.0 by: Gregory Campbell - A
| user internet and fidonet address book for
| Synchronet BBS's. Allows users to add,
| delete, and browse their personal address
| book. Will automatically address messages in
| Synchronet. Supports Fido GUUCP gates,
| SynchUUCP and just fidonet mail. Simply, a
| must for every BBS running Internet or
| fidonet mail! Registration only $15.00 US
EMENU11.ZIP [0] Easy-Menu v1.1 A user friendly, easy to use
| command shell fo
EZINF100.ZIP [0] EZReqInf V1.00 for Synchronet V1 & V2
| ===================================== This
| program is for use with EZ-ROM CD-ROM door by
| Mike Robinson Software and Synchronet.
| EZReqInf will check for any EZ-ROM requests
| that are outstanding and notify the SysOp of
| them so they can be filled. If you use EZ-ROM
| with requests and Synchronet you can use this
| program. FREEWARE
GIV_FIX.ZIP [0] Update to Giview ver 1.0. -= Bug Fix =- Tell
| at a glance how your board is running.
| Customize your own color code for each
| specifier. Replaces log viewer from the
| Waiting For Call Screen. Includes: * Text
| search * Quick Statistics
HALLTEXT.ZIP [0] Halloween Shell Update - New Halloween
| Meaning.
ILL9_94.ZIP [0] iLLuMiNet iNfo Pak 09/22/94 QWK INFO Check
| out one of the best networks around. You reme
| mber it from InterZone iNc, Well its Back,
| And blacker then ever. This Packet Cont ains
| the conference listing
INST220C.ZIP [0] Domain InstaTeller v2.20c (UNREGISTERED) An
| INSTANT account upgrade door for Synchronet
| BBS systems. Users purchase account upgrades
| using their major credit cards.
LGLT142A.ZIP [0] Logoff Lottery V1.42a for Synchronet V1&2
| Allow : - Now configurable as Logon or Logoff
| * Fixed problem where Logon didn't work
| unless last option given - Jackpot/Last
| winner shown before user says YES to play -
| Multiple plays per user per day - SysOp
| configurable playing cost, starting jackpot,
| range of
LWV10.ZIP [0] Lastword v1.0 Tag line generator
MSGTMP.ZIP [0] Use QuickBBS-style External Editors with
| Synchronet!!! Includes setups for GEdit and
| ICEEdit that work PERFECTLY!
NEWF_10A.ZIP [0] Automatically posts contents of NEWFILES.DAT
| to sub-board
NOTFY14D.ZIP [0] Synchronet Notifier 1.4d Scrabble(tm) USER
| Notification program For Versions of
| Synchronet 1c and Higher.
OFFLINE.ZIP [0] OFFLINE v1.0 for sbbs will log offline file r
PMAZE110.ZIP [0] P h r _ z e M _ z e ! Synchronet BBS Door
| ===========================================
| Phrase Maze, version 1.10 Maddeningly
| addictive BBS door game first wide area beta
| release. Deceptively simple and highly
| competitive. Developed specifically for
| Synchronet BBS's Supports internode
| messaging. Great fun, easy to install!
PWSCFG.ZIP [0] PWSCFG - Password Protect your 'C' WFC Key
| This archive contains information on password
| protecting your Synchronet Configura 'SCFG'
| whether you enter 'C' from the WFC scr or the
| DOS prompt.
REVSBBS.TXT [0] Connect Magazine review of Synchronet BBS
| Software
RIP4SYNC.ZIP [0] Advanced RIP Support for Synchronet 2.x
| Updated on 10/5/94 This 'patch' modifies the
| Default Command Shell to add advanced RIP
| support
ROCK_OS2.ZIP [0] Rock'n Roll Doctor's OS/2 3.0 Warp SBBS setti
| Includes icon settings, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.
| and other tidbits that I use to run Rock'n Ro
| Harbour BBS (Synchronet 2.00g) under OS/2.
| Has comments telling what to use in configura
| and why. This may help you or may not. Read
S4SYNC01.ZIP [0] Republican Success For Synchronet BBS, Ver 1.
| A post November 8, 1994 Election replacement
| for the _America_Held_Hostage_For_Synchronet_
| program. Kenneth Otto Software, Cocoa, FL.
SBBS-FV.ZIP [0] Synchronet Sysops - Run PCBFV with SBBS!!
| Save time by allowing users to view, read
| files within, and extract individual files
| from archive all from the filelist prompt.
| This text file will walk you through setup.
SBBSBETA.TXT [0] Synchronet Beta Site Application Form
SBBSLIST.ZIP [0] Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text) List of
| Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone number.
| Exported weekly, entries are auto-deleted
| after 90 days if not updated or validated.
| This is not a complete list of all Synchronet
| BBSs; only those whose sysops have placed
| their BBS in our online database. Maintained
| by Digital Dynamics.
SBLPACK.ZIP [0] SBLPACK v1.00 - Packs Synchronet BBS List
| Data file (SBL.DAB) - Removes deleted entries
| saving disk space and speeding up
| searches/listing. Includes complete C source
| code.
SDEL100.ZIP [0] User Deleter for Synchronet BBS version 1.00
| User Deleter reads the Synchronet USER.DAT
| user file and will delete users based on a
| certain number of days of inactivity. Can use
| any combination of user levels, flags,
| exemptions, or restrictions. Also writes to
| the Synchronet NAME.DAT
SDOS_100.ZIP [0] SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for
| Synchronet BBS version 2.
SDUPE125.ZIP [0] Dupe User Finder for Synchronet BBS version
| 1.25 Dupe User Finder reads the Synchronet
| USER.DAT file and checks the rest of users
| for duplicate information. Checks real name,
| address, password, phone number, and
| birthday. Writes to text file for
SHOP220C.ZIP [0] Domain Shopper v2.20c (UNREGISTERED) An
| online catalog ordering system for Synchronet
| BBS systems. Users can order products ONLINE
| using their major credit cards. Up to 99
| catalogs of up to 10,000 products each.
SMBU_113.ZIP [0] SMBUTIL v1.13 - Significantly faster packing
| Just unzip this into your EXEC directory.
SMGLG100.ZIP [0] SmegLog V1.00 Synchronet logfile Analyzer
| Creates pretty statistics files that can be
| displayed to your users.
SMGZT100.ZIP [0] SmegZOT! v1.00 FREE Synchronet Cookie, Quote
| Creates pretty cookie/quote/saying/user hint
| as a CTRL-A text file for diplay with
| Synchronet BBS's SysOp configurable
SRCHLGHT.ZIP [0] Searchlight Comand Shell / \ for Synchronet
| 2.x / \ Updated on 9/17/94 /\
ST100.ZIP [0] Sex Trivia door for Synchronet - 300 more
| questions to come
STAB_410.ZIP [0] Sync_TABS Synchronet TABS Door V4.10 * New
| Anti-ID-Hacker Support * Test Drive Access
| Option - Special Subscription Events (SSE) -
| Monthly Profit Statistics - Multiple
| Subscription Levels - Support for $10, $25 &
| Alternate $ Synchronet TABS Door is for
| SysOps who are clients of TABS. 2/Jan/1995
| Shareware $15 by
SVQQ100.ZIP [0] SVQQ version 1.00 By: Jim Knight / 21st Centu
| Synchronet Verbose Quick Questionairre is a q
| to be used as a regular Questioniarre door or
| Automatically Forwards answers to E-mail or a
| set up and Completly Configurable.
SYEDT110.ZIP [0] A fully functioning demo of SyncEdit, the ful
| specifically for Synchronet. The freely dist
| Block Editing, File Functions, Preview, Redra
| most BBS text attribute codes (and a three se
| registered version costs $15.00 and contains
| Checking (120,000 word dictionary), text Sear
| definable Tag Lines. Version 1.1.0
SYEDTDIC.ZIP [0] This archive contains the dictionary for Sync
| ANSI text editor. SyncEdit will only use the
| present, which means this dictionary is of of
| This archive also contains IMPLIST, a utility
| into the dictionary.
SYNC-INT.TXT [0] Internet via Synchronet - Newly developed
| software
| electronic publication of it's kind devoted
| to Synchronet BBS Systems and SysOps. Inside
| this issue: *Setting up Doors*Top Doors
| Review* *Hackers Overheard*Top Door Poll*
| electronic publication of it's kind devoted
| to Synchronet BBS Systems and SysOps. Inside
| this issue: *Exclusive Interview with Rob
| Swindell* *Hackers Overheard*TopDoor Poll
| Results* *Projected Enhancements for
| Synchronet*
TAGSH_11.ZIP [0] T.A.G. BBS COMMAND SHELL v1.1 Command shell
| for Synchronet v2.00x. T.A.G.
TBD101C.ZIP [0] The Beast's Domain v1.01c (UNREGISTERED) A
| multi-player, interactive, ANSI, real-time
| adventure game for Synchronet BBS systems. Up
| to 250 players.
USAREAD1.ZIP [0] USAReader v1.0.5, a complete Synchronet
| specific USA Today news reader. Fully
| functional demo with a 30 day time limit.
| This is a maintenance release to correct an
| unfortunate bug which allowed the reader to
| "hang" on certain systems during reader
| startup up. You need this release *only* if
| you've had problems getting the previous
| version to run!
USR288SP.MDM [0] USR 28.8 Sportster V.34/V.FC MDM file for
| Synchronet
VIEWTEST.ZIP [0] ViewTest 2.0B Allows users to view and test
| archives under SynchroNet bbs software. Take
| the place of the View command in SynchroNet.
| Also allows the user to view internal text
| files without extracting them!
VISION2.ZIP [0] ViSiON/2 Command Shell for
WC4_V1.ZIP [0] WILDCAT! v4 COMMAND SHELL With Synchronet You
| Can Have It All version 1.0 09/24/94
WWIVQWK.ZIP [0] Text and Scripts allowing SyncroNet QWK Netwo
| This file contains the required scripts and a
| text file explaining how to add WWIV to your
| QWK NetWorks.
XMASHELL.ZIP [0] Christmas command shell for Synchronet
ZC0108D.ZIP [0] ZChat Advanced Teleconference System v01.08
| The ULTIMATE chat system! Impressive windowe
| interface. Billing support. 300 users can c
| at one time! Highly optimized for OS/2,DV,Wi
| Direct & FOSSIL support, full screen cfg. pro
| Supports system guides and chat leaders, with
| appropriate commands. Supports 19 public and
| private rooms with optional room leaders.
| Supports 255 chatter channels, whispers, secr
| actions, generic actions, verbs, user profile